Friday 6 January 2012

Nine shot analysis.

The first two shots featured were that of match on action. Shot number 1. is opening a door while shot number 2. is a shot showing the door opening and then the characters coming into the shot. The effect of this is to emphasise the continuity of space and time by matching the action of the preceding shot with the continuation of the action.
In shots 3., 4., 5. And 6. the mise en scene in these shots how this clip is going to be in a typical thriller or horror genre. This is because of the shabby and discoloured walls, the pipes featured on the top of corridors link together to create a creepy atmosphere. In shot 5., 7., 8., and 9. the mise en scene featured in the background are help to create a frightening atmosphere. All the objects scattered around the room are random and intriguing creating an uneasy vibe.
In shots 7. And 8. the characters are featured inside an 180 degree arc so the audience can
understand where the characters are in the scene when they are constantly placed in the same left/right relationship to each other.

Finally, in shot 9. is a shot of the protagonist character in a mid shot. This is one shot of many shots which add to the shot/reverse/shot rule. It makes the characters seem like they are looking at one another. This helps the audience to understand what is happening as all characters are being shown in close proximity with one another in different shots

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