Saturday 5 May 2012

Evaluation - Question (3)

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
As our final production is completed, we can now see what market this would likely to fall in. In this, I mean, what companies are likely to produce it and is it similar to any of their other productions. This is the first question I will tackle.

As a quick overview, our final production is situated within the thriller genre, which then branches off in the sub-genres of a crime thriller and also a technological thriller.

Firstly, I decided to research a variety of the major production companies. I then slowly started to narrow my selection down to ones that had produced famous thriller films before, which shows they may be intrigued about similar productions. Below shows a variety of famous production companies and famous thriller films that they have produced:
Taxi Driver - Columbia Pictures
The Shining - Warner Bros. Pictures
Pulp Fiction - Miramax Films
Donnie Darko - Newmarket Films
The Silence of the Lambs - Orion Pictures Corporation

Next I need to distinguish why one of these companies should be interested in my production. A list of bullet points will portray just a few reasons for why I believe this:
  • It is a thriller film and these companies have produced thriller films in the past
  • The narrative is broad and includes more than one sub-genre which could increase the audience.
  • It is a great storyline with certain features that are unique and which they could be interested in.
  • It can be featured to a broad audience of over fifteen years of ages which increase the audience further.
The next stage would to narrow the production companies down further to companies that have produced similar films to “The Corrupt Reality”. The two I have decided to choose would be:

Orion Pictures Corporation - The Silence of the Lambs - This film branches off to a crime and psychological thriller. The focusing of crime can link to our production.

Miramax Films - Pulp Fiction - This highly prestigious film is also a crime thriller and can relate to our production through drug use and the underworld. 

Both of these films are highly prestigious which is shown on IMDB - “The biggest, best, most award-winning movie site on the planet.”

Circled and also squared in the final picture shows the rating both of the films have received and what position they are on the whole site of the "Top 250 movies”. It shows both are in the top 25 films which is extremely impressive.

Using production companies that receive such great reviews on their films shows that the films that they produce helps to represent the company in a prestigious manner. Therefore due to their already secured and built up reputation, to use them would help to increase the interest upon our film from the audience and their avid audience and support for the company. I feel that our film has what it takes to be able match these two films and to create a synergetic relationship between “The Fellowship” and the production companies. This would help to boost our popularity and equally boost the prestige and popularity of the the production companies. Obviously our film has no comparison to these two films at this current moment in time, but with the money the other two films had, we could match them.

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